Hello my fellow book lovers! As this is my first ever blog post I thought I should tell you a little about myself and what you should expect from me on this blog! I am a fifteen year old girl who might be a little too obsessed with reading. I love young adult novels mainly because I find it easier to relate to characters my own age. My favorite genre is fantasy and I love fantasy science fiction crossovers. I prefer to think that romance is not its own genre but more of a requirement for all books so you will not hear me say a book should not have had romance in it very often. Though of course there are the exceptions such as
Glory O'Brien's History of the Future by A.S King. I am a self proclaimed social media addict! Once I was a social media hater who refused to get an Instagram or a Facebook and looked down on all those who chose to be a youtuber. Now it seems I am the opposite, I swear I can't sit down for five minutes and not check my phone for my miscellaneous notifications. This could also be because I am constantly posting on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Google+. The other day I sat down and filmed eight consecutive YouTube videos. Now you are probably asking yourself is this girl is constantly staring at a screen then how does she have time to stick her nose in a book? Well I would love to say that I am a master organizer who makes beautiful schedules to plan reading, my social life, my social media life, and school, but I can't. My easily manged life has do to my complete lack of a social life. While I am an extremely social person and loquacious is practically my middle name, I would still prefer a night in with a good book to a night out with my friends. One could say that I intrinsically want to live up to the nerdy stereotypes which is why I love reading and school and my glasses, but I also avoid non-fiction like its the plague and my ability to make friends is much better than my ability to understand a computer so maybe there isn't a way to easily explain my complicated personality. During the school year when my social life grows slightly I am able to keep up a healthy reading appetite do to my amazing ability to read really quickly. In the time it takes most people to read one book I could probably have read three much longer novels. This skill has served me well from finishing a whole series in a week before a movie, to getting to choose which book I actually enjoyed to write about for English because I had read fifteen books as apposed to the required to three. Marathoning books is something I love to do because it provides the same zoning out and loosing yourself qualities as binging Netflix, but without the guilt of doing something that is completely pointless. Now what does marathoning books and my ability to manage my life have to do with this blog? Well because I actually can manage my life enough to read frequently then you can expect a couple blog posts a week. During the school year my blog posts my go down to one or two a week do to homework, but seeing as how much I love writing especially about books I will be posting as often as I possibly can! I plan to post two versions of book reviews. One will be completely spoiler free and about 1000 characters. The other will be my complete reaction to the book chock full of spoilers, but unlike my youtube videos my thoughts will be organized, revised, and I won't call characters whats her face. I will post links to my booktalks from my youtube channel in my blog posts. I am warning you now that I most likely will not post both kinds of reviews at the same time. My spoiler free reviews will most likely be grouped together in lists of favorite books or separately before I have written my full review of a book but I will always have a spoiler free review with my full reviews. I will also include pictures I have taken of the books I am reviewing. I also plan on writing rants about certain books or fandoms and hopefully posting some of my own writing and poetry. I am so excited to start my journey a a blogger and I hope that my thoughts on books inspire you to read and discuss books! Thank you all for reading!