From Twinkle With Love By Sandhya Menon
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust
And I Darken By Kiersten White
My rating: ❤❤❤❤❤
Similar Books: The Kissing Booth (Girl falls for her best friend's older brother causing general chaos in her life)
Romance, intrigue, drama, humor, and movie making, if you haven’t already picked up From Twinkle with Love just from that sentence, then what are you waiting for? Twinkle has two dreams, to become a famous and impactfull director, and for Neil Roy to acknowledge her existence and fall in love with her. So when Neil’s twin brother Sahil approaches her about making a movie together, Twinkle realizes maybe both of her dreams could come true! But as the movie making progresses, Twinkle finds herself having feelings for the wrong person, and just when it seemed like Neil had noticed her! This book is exactly what a contemporary YA romance novel should be. It has great character development with a totally original story, that provides great entertainment, while still giving exposure to greater world issues. Twinkle is very relatable, and while her drama sometimes feels a little unrealistic, it only adds to the story. I was really impressed by how satisfying the story was, as I am usually left wanting more after a standalone. It takes a lot of talent to effectively wrap up a story and still have it end with a bang. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a cute contemporary!
Recommended Mindset For Reading
This is not a book to pick up and put down again! I would set aside a few hours to just read the whole thing because it goes by pretty quickly. If you are in the mood to get into a whole series then this book is not for you because it is fast and its a standalone. If you just want a cute summer read or something to get you out of a reading slump, then I would start reading as soon as possible! This book is pretty PG so if you like romance without all the, well, romance, then this book is for you.
My rating: ❤❤❤❤
Melissa Bashardoust hit the ball out the park with the fantastic, feminist fairy tale that is Girls Made of Snow and Glass. All Lynet has ever wanted is to be like her stepmother Mina, but she is constantly compared to the late mother she resembles so greatly. Mina just wants to love and be loved, but the unbeating, glass heart in her chest won't allow her to. Lynet has no desire to rule, so when her father takes away Mina's control of the Southern lands and gives them to her, she wants nothing more than to refuse. When a turn of events cause Mina to hate Lynet, she must go on her own journey to save the only mother she has ever known. This book was so adorable! I am always a fan of feminist fiction, especially when it's fairy tale related. The story felt like a mixture of frozen and Snow White, but still very original. I love how the story was from both Mina and Lynet's point of view, giving the reader different perspectives. Because it was a mixture of both of their stories the characters didn't feel extremely well developed until the very end, but I still felt connected to the them and able to relate to their feelings. The plot felt kind of slow at the beginning and then kind of rushed at the end, but the well done story totally made up for it. As a romance lover, I of course wish there was more of a love story, but it was really well done and a heavy influence of romance might have ruined the message. One thing I felt there was a lack of was comedy. There are very few places that made me laugh and I think it would have been improved if there was just a little more humor. Overall this book was really really good and I would highly recommend this to fantasy and feminist fiction lovers! Disclaimer: I was sent this book for review from the publisher, but it did not effect my review at all. My thoughts are my own and my reviews are always 100% honest.
Recommended Mindset For Reading
This book is perfect for anyone looking for a fairy tale without all of the men doing the saving. It has very light romance so if you are not into the hot and heavy stuff (unlike me) then this book is perfect for you! I didn't binge this book. I ended up splitting up my reading into a couple of days because it just wasn't the kind of book where you have to read everything all at once. This book is perfect for the start of the school year because you can read a little bit in your free time and spread it out over a couple of weeks. If you are the kind of person who needs humor in everything you read then this is not the book for you as there is very little comedy. I would highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a nice story that fits a more modern perspective with age old fairy tales!
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And I Darken By Kiersten White
My rating: ❤❤❤❤❤
With fantastic characters, beautiful scenery, and an epic storyline, And I Darken by Kiersten White brings a whole new perspective to young adult historical fiction. There is nothing Lada Dragwlya loves more than her homeland of Wallachia. So when she and her brother Radu are ripped away from their father, the prince of Wallachia, in order to become prisoners of the Ottoman Courts, Lada makes a promise that she will one day return home. The one thing Lada hates more than the Ottoman Empire is being underestimated for being a girl. Lada knows she is stronger than all the men combined, so she sets herself to plotting her revenge. That is, until she meets Mehmed, the intriguing son of the Sultan. In Mehmed, Radu finally has a friend and Lada someone to give her heart too. Can Lada open up her love to more than Wallachia? I can not completely describe how amazing this book was. I picked it up because I am a terrible person who totally judges books by their covers. When I read the synopsis I expected something along the lines of My Lady Jane or The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, historical fiction with more contemporary characters. This book was so much more. I happen to love history and god do I wish a history text book was written like this! Of course a lot of the history in this book is from the author's mind, but the basis was so well researched and historically accurate. This book actually inspired me to do further research into the Ottoman Empire, which earlier in the year I had found totally boring. The three best things in the book are; the characters, the history, and the incorporation of Islam into the book. That of course can fit both into the characters and the history categories, but it was so fascinating that I think it needs it's own shout out. This is not a religious book, please don't stop reading this review because you think it is, it is a historical book. Islam was a major part of the Ottoman empire and the author handled it really well and completely enriched the story. The characters in this book are horrible and I love it! I can not say any more without spoiling the book, so go read it! This book is perfect for lovers of history and intense characters, though it is not for everyone. I would not recommend this book for people who want a basic storyline, a quick read, a comedy, or a basic romance novel, because this book is none of those things.
Recommended Mindset For Reading
And I Darken is not the kind of thing you can pick up, set down, and pick back up again a month later. The storyline is complex and detailed, requiring a lot of focus. This also isn't something that you can read all in one sitting. I would make sure you have a week where there is adequate time for reading each day. Not that you will have a hard time getting yourself to read, as this book is extremely engaging. While you do not have to love history to enjoy this book, you have to have some respect for it. The plot and the characters can not single-handedly hold up the book, the history is a big part, so if you hate it, this book is not for you. Also, if you want a cute romance novel, go pick up P.S. I Like You by Kaise West (I have a spoiler free review of this on my spoiler free review page!) and leave this book be. There is nothing cute about this book. So I hope I didn't scare you off because this novel is phenomenal!

My rating: ❤❤❤❤❤
Readers will find themselves overwhelmed with emotions while reading the heart wrenching, brutally honest, coming of age story that is I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson. The story starts out with Noah and Jude, twins, so close they consider themselves two halves of the same soul. But when tragedy strikes their family Noah and Jude's world turns upside down leaving them both heart broken and turned against each other. Told from Noah's view from the past and Jude's view from the present one magnificent story of many twists and turns is melded together leaving the reader not fully understanding until the very end. This book was so amazing I was unable to put it down. One thing that I loved was how art had such a strong presence in this novel. Jandy Nelson's writing style has so much symbolism and is chock full of metaphors and this gave the story almost a poetic feeling to it. Though with the fast moving plot line her writing sometimes overwhelming and a little confusing causing me to have to go back and reread. Overall this novel was entirely original and amazing and something that I feel everyone should read. This book does contain some mature content and may not be appropriate for all readers.
Recommended Mindset for Reading
I would recommend reading this if you are in the mood for a romance with deep meaningful characters. This book is perfect for fans of books with strong LGBT main characters and those who love friendships turned love. If you love coming of age stories and you don't want to start a series or adjust to a new world than this book is perfect for you! You should be prepared to not want to put this book down!
The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

My rating: ❤❤❤❤
Readers will be will be kept guessing and on the edge of their seats throughout the engrossing fantasy novel that is The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson. Princess Lia is a first daughter being forced to hold up centuries of tradition by having an arranged marriage to a Prince she has never met. In an attempt to live the life she always wanted she steals away to a small town on her wedding day. But Lia isn't the only one in disguise both the prince she was arranged to marry and the assassin sent to kill her are there for her both with their own missions, but can they follow through when romance starts to bloom? I loved how many plot twists this book had, and there were so many events I didn't see coming. The dramatic irony in this book was spectacular and the way the readers were kept guessing about who was the prince and who was the assassin kept the book very interesting. I especially loved the overarching theme of deception because it made the book feel almost like a mystery. I was disappointed in the lack of romance in this novel, but overall I felt that it was a very good read. I would recommend this novel to anyone of the young adult age range.
Recommended Mindset for Reading
I would recommend reading this if you are in the mood for a fantasy that you have to unravel. With an overall feeling of mystery this book is perfect if you are the kind of person who loves to be kept guessing and hates predictable endings and characters. With strong female main characters all over the place readers who love to see women fight for their rights and have minds of their own will be very happy with this story. While the mild romance might not be for me it is perfect for readers who like romance to be in a book without the book revolving around it and getting to mature. This book is very fast paced so be prepared with the other books in the series because you will not want to wait to read the rest of the story!
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The Vegetarian by Han Kang
The Vegetarian by Han Kang
My rating: ❤❤
The Vegetarian by Han Kang is the most confusing book I have ever read. I read this book as an effort to expand my reading and I was very disappointed. The basic plot line is advertised as a young women who becomes a vegetarian in order get rid of her traumatizing nightmares of blood, violence and meat. While this is the first 60 pages the other 120 pages are an inconsistent mash up of horrible perverted characters and extremely confusing events. After reading this book I was left feeling unsatisfied and unknowing of any of the characters fates. While this book was relatively short each sentence felt three times as long as what I normally read and the whole thing felt like a run on short story. The only redeeming factor of this novel was the descriptive tone the author used. I wish I could say that I enjoyed the writing but sadly the fact that the plot was so confusing clashed with the poetic description and just created chaos for the reader. Honestly the main problem I had with this book was the fact that it was utterly unrelatable to me. This book contained adult characters, a foreign culture and setting as well as many beliefs that I don't share. The characters made so many decisions that I don't understand or agree with and this caused many problems for me as a reader. Overall I was very disappointed in this book and I would not recommend it to anyone who does not already enjoy worldly adult novels and especially not to anyone who only reads young adult such as myself. Disclaimer: I received this book from the Blogging for Books program in exchange for this review.
Recommended Mindset for Reading
Not everyone has the same taste in reading so even though I was seriously disappointed with this book that does not mean that others will share my opinion. I think my main issue with this book was the fact that I'm a young adult and I have nothing in common with any of the characters. So I would recommend this book to adults. Now before you get all mad and on your high horse saying that you can handle just as much as an adult, please just stop and hear me out. Not only does this book contain highly displeasing adult content it also contains themes that just can't be comprehended by young adults. The Vegetarian is really only going to be enjoyed by people who can understand its concepts and characters. For this reason I would highly recommend to wait to read this book until you are sure that you can fully appreciate it. I honestly wish that I wasn't given this book for review now and had instead waited to read it until later in my life when I could have enjoyed it instead of being horrified by things I don't understand. If you are an adult then by all means read away. This is not the kind of book to try and read in a day so don't be deceived by its short length. I would recommend reading another easier book with a happier tone at the same time just as a way to balance out your emotions because this book is heavy. Knowing that the majority of my readers are teenagers and young adult fanatics I would not recommend this book to my average reader and only the extremely open minded should take on the challenge that is The Vegetarian by Han Kang.
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Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia
Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia
My rating: ❤❤❤❤❤
Readers should expect a fresh perspective on life in the comical and heart wrenching wonder that is Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia. Eliza Mirk is a nobody in person, no friends, weird, never talks. Eliza Mirk is a legend online, or at least her web comic Monstrous Sea, written under the name LadyConstellation is. No one knows except online and Eliza likes it that way, that is until Wallace Warland transfers in to her school. Wallace Warland is Monstrous Sea's most popular fanfiction writer, and now the most important person in Eliza's life, just one problem, she has no intention of telling him who she is. This book took me completely by surprise. I was expecting a typical YA novel with a little romance thrown in to it. What I got was a beautiful story about excepting your identity and preparing for your future. Francesca Zappia created extremely interesting round characters that grow throughout the whole book. The emotions of these characters just blew me away and felt so real and at one point even made me cry. I would highly, highly recommend this book to anyone, but especially young adults as this book will really resonate with them.
Recommended Mindset For Reading
This book is something you need to read when you have a large chunk of time on your hands. You will not want to put it down so make sure you have enough time to do this. I actually read it in a four hour stretch where I just did not get up from the couch and sat back and read my book. This is not a light read, it is of medium length and there is a lot of feeling packed into it so prepare yourself for an emotional roller coaster. If you like cool artwork this book is chockfull of it so if you are in an artsy kind of mood then pick up this book. Lastly, if you are an owlcrate subscriber like me and you got this book in your May 2017 box, how cool is the exclusive cover and artwork that was included! Now get off your beautiful butts and read this fantastic book!
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God Is A Woman By Michael Tavon
God Is A Woman By Michael Tavon
My rating: ❤❤❤
Readers will shocked by the utter honesty and raw emotions that play such a large role in God is a Woman by Michael Tavon. Price Jones has led a life of tragedy. Growing up abused in the home of an addict, has scared him, and left him doubting his self worth. Now, he uses sex and drugs to cope with his perceived failure as an author, a brother, a son, and a person. When an former love walks back into his life, old emotions are rekindled, as well as old heartbreak. Will Price be able to rebuild his life and mend his broken heart, or will he give in to his inner daemons? I think calling this book a romance novel is very misleading. While romance plays a large role in the story, Price's journey for self-discovery is what really takes center stage. I am not really sure how much I enjoyed reading this novel. My usual pick of young adult, romance, fantasy, and around 800 pages, is pretty much the opposite of this book. Regardless of my enjoyment, no one can argue that this book isn't good. The characters show such a parallel to the misery and hardship of our world, and while the plot is uneventful, it accurately portrays the monotony and agony of every day existence. This book is definitely an adult novel and not for all readers. My reading experience suffered as I was not able to relate to the characters on any personal level, but for people who can relate to the characters, then this book could have a huge emotional effect on you and I would highly, highly recommend that you read it! *Disclaimer I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review and this did not affect my review as my opinions and writing are 100% my own*
Recommended Mindset For Reading
As I said before, this book is for a certain kind of reader. For those of you who feel you would enjoy this book, then I would recommend reading it all in one sitting. It's very short and it won't take you long to finish, but the writing is very powerful, so, prepare yourself to sit back for a second, and say "Whoa, what did I just read?". Believe me, you will need some time to decompress. If you do end up reading this book, please comment and share your feelings, as I am interested to see how others felt after finishing it.
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