Who am I?
What Do I Love To Read?
My bookshelf is mainly stuffed with young adult novels because I find it easier to relate to characters my own age. While my favorite genre is technically fantasy I really just crave a book that pulls you in and entertains you while giving you something to think about. I prefer not to think of romance as its own genre, but more of a requirement for all books. My love for reading started with classics and it will not end until I have read them all. It would be impossible for me to pick my favorite book, but my favorite world/series is the Shadowhunter chronicles by Cassandra Clare. Something you will almost never find me reading is a non-fiction book, though I am known to pick up the occasional memoir or biography. I am one of those rare people who tends to love most books assigned in school, which is most likely due to my love for challenging myself.
My Reading Life
While I am an extremely social person and loquacious is practically my middle name, I would still prefer a night in with a good book to a night out with my friends. One could say that I intrinsically want to live up to the nerdy stereotypes, which is why I love reading, writing, math, school and my glasses. However, I also avoid non-fiction like its the plague and my ability to make friends is much better than my ability to understand a computer, so maybe there isn't a way to easily explain my complicated personality. During the school year when my social life grows slightly, I am able to keep up a (semi) healthy reading appetite do to my amazing ability to read really quickly. In the time it takes most people to read one book, I could probably have read three much longer novels. This skill has served me well from finishing a whole series in a week before a movie, to getting to choose to write about a book I actually enjoyed for English, because I read fifteen books as opposed to the required three. My reading habits tend to be reading around four or five books in a week and then not reading anything outside of school for a month. This probably isn't healthy, but who cares! Cooking
You might be asking yourself, why am I seeing recipes on a blog where the word books is in the title? Because there is no better combination than eating good food and reading a good book. I love cooking equally as much as I love reading, ergo why there is a recipe section of this blog. I hope that my recipes inspire you to experiment in the world of cooking, because believe me, nothing improves a romance novel better than a warm chocolate chip cookie that you baked yourself!
Yo love this, you are my hero