Quick Update

Hello my amazing readers! I know I have been gone for awhile, but it is only because I have been super busy with school, reading for my school's battle of the books, and debate. But seeing as that battle of the books and my final debate competition are approaching quickly I am able to get this blog up and running again! A few things will be changing though because I myself have changed as a person. My book reviews are going to written differently, before they were more like book reports and instead I want to change them to more my opinions on the books. I will be doing some blog posts that are just general opinion pieces and writing about my life, mainly about what is going on with my reading life. I hope to post more frequently, but because of this many of my posts will be shorter. I am going to branching out and writing some reviews on some classics and some more challenging reads. I also need to get the message out to all of the authors that contacted me previously about reviewing your books my computer freaked out and deleted my emails containing the PDF formats of your books as well as the notes and drafts of the reviews for your books so I need you all to please contact me again so that we can work this out because I would still love to review your books! Well that just about wraps everything up so happy reading!