My rating: ❤❤❤❤❤
Readers will be whisked away into a new world of good vs evil in City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. Clary Fray has had a typical life for 15 years with an over protective mother and her best friend Simon living in the city of New York. One night at a club she witnesses a murder she can't explain, her mother goes missing and she is thrown into the world of Shadowhunters, the mysterious guardians of humans from daemons. With the help of a inscrutable and gorgeous shadowhunter named Jace and his friends, Clary starts the adventure of a lifetime that will uncover all kinds of things about her past. Cassandra Clare takes old mythology to a new level in this book creating a very interesting read. The characters in this book have such interesting levels and connections that keep readers intrigued and guessing for the whole novel. The plot of this novel and the foreshadowing into the past is so wonderfully confusing that it makes for such an amazing read. I would say that Cassandra Clare is my favorite author of all time and the Mortal Instruments series is so fantastic! I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone! If you find that City of Bones is a little slow, stick with it! The books get much, much, better as they progress. Happy reading.
Other Thoughts
I know, I know. Its slow and the characters feel kind of cliche. But its the first book, cut it some slack! Please just appreciate everything done right in this book and know that it gets so much better!

My rating: ❤❤❤❤❤
The Mortal Instruments continues perfectly in this second addition to the series, that is City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. Clary's life could not be more upside down, her mother is in a magical coma, and Valentine, the extremely evil and originally thought to be dead leader of the circle, is now her father. Don't forget, that she only recently found out she was a shadowhunter, and her new brother Jace wants her to learn more, while her best friend (turning out to be more than a friend) Simon, is her only connection to her former life. And just to make things worse, downworlder children are being murdered and it seems to be up to Clary and her gaggle of shadowhunter friends to figure out who the culprit is. I have to say I loved how much action was packed into this book. Cassandra Clare did a great job keeping things interesting and continuing character growth. The plot and character development/emotional development were the best parts of this book. While this is my least favorite book in the series, it is still a fantastic read and I would recommend to continue with the series. And if you haven't read City of Bones yet, then what are you waiting for? Go read it!
Other Thoughts
Yes I will admit this is my least favorite book in the series, but its only due to some relationships that occur in this book that are not my top choices! Also if you starting reading these books because of the TV show and are now super confused, this book will clear things up for you for where the TV show goes completely off book. Just stick with it and if you are like me and want certain relationships to happen just wait and keep hoping!

My rating: ❤❤❤❤❤
Readers will be stunned by this masterpiece of action, romance, and emotions that is City of Glass by Cassandra Clare. Continuing after the events of City of Ashes, all Clary wants is for her and Jace to be like normal siblings, and for their mother to wake up from her magical coma. When Clary gets wind of a Warlock who might be able to cure her mother, she is up for the challenge. The only problem, he lives in Idris, and Jace has his heart set on Clary staying at home. But when something goes terribly wrong while trying to portal and puts Clary's life in danger, will she be able to survive and still save her mother? City of Glass is my favorite book in the Mortal Instruments. I love how much action is packed into just one book and Cassandra Clare has outdone herself with the round characters and overall emotional development. The symbolism in this novel relating the struggle between downworlders and shadowhunters to the issues we have with racism in our world currently is fantastic and gives the reader a new perspective on how we deal with problems. If you have started the Mortal Instruments and are trying to decide whether or not to continue, please do! This novel is truly fantastic, so don't deprive yourself of it!
Other Thoughts
I honest to god cried like six times during this book! The emotions I felt while reading this were insane and the characters,, even though even more are added in seem to become more focused! Helpful Hint: The audio book version of this book is spectacular, and I preferred listening to it over reading it!

My rating: ❤❤❤❤❤
Readers will be swept off their feet with the shocking continuation of the Mortal Instruments series that is City of Fallen Angels, by Cassandra Clare. The Mortal War is over and everyone is home safe and sound. Clary can finally call Jace her boyfriend and her brother Sebastion and father Valentine are dead. Now she can look forward to spending time with her mother and finally getting some real training. But when Jace starts acting strange and pushing away from Clary and Shadowhunters are being murdered, Clary starts to worry that all might not be well. This book is not what I expected it too be, in a fantastic way! Cassandra Clare does not rest, nor do her characters because this book is a conflict sandwich! What I found so interesting in this book was the development of Clary and Jace's relationship. They are finally together, but Jace immediately starts to pull away starting a whole new line of plot that will continue throughout the series. Overall this book is just like everything else Cassandra Clare has written, amazing! I know you can stop reading after City of Glass because it seems like the plot wraps up nicely, but believe me you want to continue!
Other Thoughts
This book made me yell at my e-reader for like 20 minutes, screaming at Clary and Jace to realize something is up! It also had some of my favorite make out scenes so romance lovers you are in for a treat!

My rating: ❤❤❤❤❤
Readers should expect greatness from the dark, fantastical romance that is City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare. Times are grim for Clary as she realizes that Jace has been bound to her evil brother Sebastian. One cannot be harmed without harming the other and Jace it seems has been lost to the darkness of Sebastian. Its up to Clary to try and save Jace from not only Sebastian, but also the Clave, which means running away with them and trying to take them down from the inside. But is Jace too far gone to save? City of Lost Souls brought a whole new level to Cassandra Clare's writing. It was delightfully creepy and had such a haunting romance too it that was so different from her past works. I think the fact that we are still able to learn new things about the shadowhunter world this far into the series makes it that much more interesting for the reader. Because Jace is not himself in this book the emotional development focuses more on Clary and the rest of the gang in a way that is so satisfying for the reader. Honestly I think some of the best writing in the series is in this book. I would recommend it to anyone with a pulse!
Other Thoughts
Oh my freaking god this book was good! I usually prefer happy romances to dark romances, but Cassandra Clare made me change my perspective! Also this book has some of the best humor in it, mainly due to Simon, so I sat there reading this chilling book while laughing so hard I was crying.

My rating: ❤❤❤❤❤
Readers will be taken to a new level in this stunning conclusion to the Mortal Instruments series that is City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. War has broken out turning shadowhunter against shadowhunter. The infernal cup is creating Endarkended warriors, and Clary's brother Sebastian is behind it. Clary finally gets Jace back, but with a consequence, heavenly fire runs in his veins and he can not be touched. Surviving shadowhunters have gathered in Alicante, but wards won't protect them for long. It is up too Clary and her friends to save everyone, sparking an adventure that will take them deep into the daemon realms where no one has ever come back alive. Will they make it back in time, or will this be the destruction of shadowhunters as we know it? This book was just spectacular! It concluded so well and yet still left me wanting more in the way only Cassandra Clare can. While some character lines wrapped up others were left unfinished as a way to continue into the next series which I loved. Readers of the Infernal Devices will be pleased to see some old faces appearing in this book giving us the ending we had been dying for before. The plot in this book makes the other books look like a one chapter book. So much happens, yet it all flows so smoothly. At this point I highly doubt you would read the first five books and stop now, but if you are considering it, stop because you are being stupid! Read this book, you will thank me!
Other Thoughts
Talk about a way to end a series! I mean WOW! I actually finsihed this book while having a sleepover with one of my best friends and we just sat there reading it together taking turns crying and laughing and screaming at the book. (It was a library copy so who ever got it next I'm sorry it was soaked in tears and popcorn!)
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